Requested documents:
- ENAC Modulo PP, completed by the new owner;
- copy of the applicant’s ID document;
- purchase contract, either in Italian language or translated, signed by the seller and by the purchaser. Both signatures must be certified in accordance with the Italian Law. If the contract is stipulated in Italy, it must be registered at an Italian Tax Office (Agenzia delle Entrate);
- two originals of the note of registration;
- proof of the new owner nationality / citizenship:
- company: the Legal Representative must declare its nationality.
According to the Italian Navigation Code, the nationality of a Company is determined by the State of corporate registration AND by the nationality of the majority (≥ 51%) of the company capital holders. In case of non stock corporation, its nationality is determined by the nationality of the President, the majority of the Administrators and the managing Director.
The Legal Representative must declare the nationality of the Company according to the above mentioned criteria. - natural persons: copy of the ID document.
Pay attention: the aircraft can remain in the Italian register only if the new owner is an EU company or citizen; otherwise the aircraft will be cancelled (see deregistration procedure).
- company: the Legal Representative must declare its nationality.
- receipt of payment of ENAC fees (€ 158,00) – see ENAC bank details;
- original of the Italian Certificate of Registration.
The original documentation must be delivered to:
ENAC – National Aircraft Registration Unit
Viale Castro Pretorio, 118
00185 Roma, Italy
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/12/2017