Safety & Security

ENAC ensures the safety of flights and passengers both during aeronautical operations and on the ground, within the airport environment.

Safety is understood in the dual sense of safety, as a form of protection of the physical integrity of those involved in aeronautical operations, and security, as a form of prevention and neutralization of acts of unlawful interference against the civil aviation system at airports and on board aircraft.

Safety includes activities aimed at ensuring safety from the perspective of the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of aircraft and airports, as well as the assessment of the suitability of air operators, flight personnel, technical personnel, and maintenance staff.

In security, ENAC monitors the implementation of common rules for the prevention of unlawful acts, certifies security personnel and airport operators (handlers, instructors, inspectors), and chairs the Interministerial Committee for the Security of Air Transport and Airports (CISA).


ENAC plans the development of the national airport system, defines capacity parameters, issues airport certification, and monitors the maintenance of requirements. It promotes an innovative airport network that encourages intermodal integration between modes of transport, enhancing the strategic role of these infrastructures for national progress.

Air Transport

ENAC manages the concession of airport domain assets, prepares traffic agreements, issues operating licenses to air carriers, assesses the need to establish public service obligations to protect the right to national and European mobility of citizens from airports located in peripheral areas, and implements regulations on free access to the market for ground services (handling).


The centrality of the passenger is a fundamental aspect of ENAC's activities to protect the constitutionally guaranteed right to mobility. This is achieved through initiatives aimed at improving the flight experience, with particular attention to passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility, promoting a culture of accessible and safe air travel for all.

In addition to overseeing the correct application of EU Regulations in this area, ENAC defines, verifies, and ensures compliance with the quality standards of airport and air transport services.


ENAC ensures that activities concerning Italian airspace and the provision of air navigation services are directed towards flight safety and operational efficiency.

In this context, the Agency's responsibilities include technical regulation, control, certification, and licensing related to the provision of air navigation services.


For ENAC, environmental protection is the driving force behind the development of air transport.

To achieve the decarbonization goals by 2050, the main lines of action pursued by ENAC include the energy transition of airport infrastructures, the development of advanced air mobility and intermodal forms of transportation, and the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), which represent an immediately applicable key model capable of reducing the carbon footprint of the sector.

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