The Medical Unit of ENAC is competent for the whole functions of the Aeromedical Section (AMS), ensuring the performance of all the tasks assigned by several regulations, which include the (EU) Air Crew Regulation, the Commission Regulation (EU) n. 2015/340 applicable to Air traffic controllers, the specific ENAC Medical Regulation (“Aero-medical Organization and medical fitness certificates for the issue of flight licences, certificates and attestations in civil aviation”) and the related Circular MED-01B (Italian language).
The Aeromedical Section is responsible for the surveillance on the application of medical requirements for commercial flight crew, private pilots, air traffic controllers, cabin crew and parachutists, ensuring the regularity of the certification process. The AMS is also responsible for Aeromedical Centers and Aeromedical examiners (AME) certification and oversight. The AMEs are those physicians who are certified by ENAC to issue aero-medical certificates to pilots, cabin crew and air traffic controllers.
Furthermore, the AMS gives a continuous professional support to Aeromedical examiners, with which it maintains professional collaborations and cooperates in the assessment of the most complex aero-medical cases.
Therefore, the Aeromedical Section is inside ENAC the sole coordinator for all matters related to aviation medicine and in particular, it’s in charge of the proceedings in the case of:
- Medical review;
- Referral/consultation;
- Transfer of medical documentation required by the State of Licence Issue (change of SOLI) procedure.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 12/03/2021