ENAC, jointly with ITAF, is responsible for the management of national airspace. The procedures to be applied for the request of airspace reservation are contained in ATM-05 circular (for special events, shorter than 90 days) and ATM-03 (for events longer than 90 days).

The requests are processed by ENAC that will issues an authorization after coordination with other air traffic operations. Eventually, a Notam will be issued to inform the airspace users.
Briefly, the procedure according to ATM-05 consists of:

  1. To fill in “Notiziario Speciale” (attached to the circular) to communicate technical details about the activity together with  evaluation from ATS Unit responsible for the area of the event;
  2. To transmit “Notiziario Speciale” to the competent ENAC Airport Authority at least 45 days before the event or 90 days in case of large special events.

The competent ENAC Airport Authority verifies compatibility with other activities and air traffic operations in the area according ATS Unit evaluation. In positive case, ENAC will issue an authorizations and, if necessary, a Notam.

The applicant is responsible for the correctness of the information included in the Notam.