In order to simplify the procedures concerning traffic rights permissions in favor of NON-EU Carriers operating non scheduled services in Italy, please be advised that Enac will not authorized the following ad hoc operational modifications, not involving traffic rights:
- rerouting which doesn’t involve fifth freedom traffic rights;
- change of aircraft (use of a different aircraft in respect of the one previously authorized, provided that the new one is listed in the Air Carrier Air Operator Certificate and included in the Insurance Certificate previously deposited);
- change of operation’s date;
- cancellation of flights;
- change of the airport. For this kind of change it will be necessary to submit copy of the revised agreement or evidence that the change of airport has been agreed through an exchange of e-mail with the tour operator or the charterer.
The above mentioned modifications must be notified to the email box Contextually the carrier will forward the same information to the airports authorities and institutions (Assoclearance and Airport Operator Society, etc.) interested in.
The carrier will receive communications and or information by Enac only if the flight cannot be operated as notified. Missing a reply by Enac the operational modifications are approved.
Any additional information/clarification, if needed, can be requested to Air Transport Development Dept.
For more information please check:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/06/2020