AME/AeMC Assessment Referral Form (No. EAMAC 001_06_2019) MED.A.050, ARA.MED.125 Reg. (EU) No. 1178/2011 and ATCO.MED.050, ATCO.AR.F.001 Reg. (EU) 2015/340 MED.B.001 in the current version

  • Consultation Referral Form
    Information for SubmissionOnce completed, the referral form with all attached documents that you listed on it may be sent via email to ENAC AMS address:

    To avoid delays in assessing your case, please ensure you have attached all the information and all the required examinations have been completed (by AME and medical specialists) in compliance with the Regulation, e.g. Application Form, Medical Examination Report, Copy of the Medical Report etc.”