If no assistance or inadequate assistance is received, any complaints must be submitted to:
- the managing body of the airport in the event of lack of or inadequate assistance on the land side
- the airline for booking/purchase issues and lack of assistance on the air side
If the PRM believes that the reply to the complaint is not consistent with the provisions of the Regulation, he/she may then submit a complaint to ENAC, using the online form.
It is possible to send a complaint to ENAC if the disruption occurred:
- at an Italian airport;
- on flights departing from an Italian airport (regardless of the nationality of the operating carrier);
- on flights arriving at an Italian airport if operated by an EU carrier.
Alternatively, complaints can be sent:
- by email to pax.disabili@enac.gov.it
- for flights departing from other EU states and for flights arriving in those states from non-EU countries, complaints can be sent to the corresponding responsible bodies. For the purposes of applying Reg. 1107/2006 Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are treated as equivalent to Member States.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/05/2024