The Inspector appointed by ENAC, on the basis of the contacts of the owner/operator available in the Entity’s database, will inform the owner/operator that the aircraft has been selected for an ACAM inspection. Based on the needs of both parties, the date and place of the inspection will be agreed, and subsequently formally notified via ENAC protocol. The communication shall normally specify the following:

a) aircraft model and brands;

b) type of ACAM Inspection envisaged;

c) Place and date of the ACAM inspection;

d) any undertaking with which to carry out the inspection;

e) name(s) of ENAC personnel responsible for carrying out the inspection.

Depending on the type of operation of the aircraft or operator (certified or not) and the contingencies (e.g. making available of the aircraft is temporarily almost immediate to contacts between the parties), communication can be conveyed through the most effective and streamlined tool currently assessed, i.e. PEC or email. Where the aircraft is operated in activities already subject to ENAC oversight to an organisation, formal notification can also take place only by email. Communication is not foreseen in the case of aircraft subject to ramp inspection without prior notice.

In cases the owner/operator does not respond to requests for contact (untraceable user or lack of feedback to formal communications), see what it defined in the FAQ “refusal case”.