Role and Competences

ENAC, Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile, was established by Law Decree 250/97  on July 1997, merging  former DGAC and RAI structures. 

The Italian Air Navigation Code, under art. 687, states that ENAC is the only Civil Aviation Authority in Italy. In the framework of EU regulations, ENAC is therefore the “Competent Authority” of Italy. ENAC is the Italian single authority in the technical regulation, certification, supervision and control of civil aviation with powers conferred by the Italian Navigation Code.

ENAC has established a strong connection with a number of international bodies and cooperates and holds a leadership position in ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), the specialized agency of the United Nations charged with the task of defining common regulatory and technical civil aviation standards within its member countries.

Within the Council of ICAO, Italy provides its contribution in the following areas: Technology and development policies; European Union; ECAC, (European Civil Aviation Conference), a pan-European intergovernmental organization for convergence and cooperation in the field of air transport; EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency), a legal entity that is responsible for defining common levels of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation within the EU member countries; Eurocontrol, an organization that plans and coordinates the implementation of a harmonized European air traffic management system.

ENAC in the International context

In carrying out its institutional mission, ENAC represents Italy in the major international civil aviation organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Union (EU), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Organisation for the
Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol). 

ENAC cooperates with these institutions in all activities aimed at regulating and controlling the sector and promoting the development of civil aviation. Within these organizations, ENAC supports the position of Italy on various issues of strategic interest such as safety, security, quality of airport services and enforcement of passengers’ rights, the development of airport  infrastructures, economic and air transport regulation, EU External Relations, airspace regulation and environment.

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