The State Plan for Aviation Safety (SPAS) is one of the key documents produced by ENAC as part of the State Safety Programme – Italy to describe the activities in order to ensure the highest level of Safety for the Italian Civil Aviation, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 article 8.

The current SPAS is a three-year plan, as the actual edition of the EPAS. It is also updated on an annual basis, following revisions to Volume II (EPAS Actions) and Volume III (Safety Risk Portfolio) of the EPAS scheduled annually, as required by European regulations. The EPAS Volume I (Strategic Priorities) is set for the three-year reference period, with a mid-term review to ensure that it remains relevant.

With the SPAS, ENAC aims the following objectives:

  • implement the strategic decisions adopted in the State Safety Programme – Italy
  • meet the Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 article 8 requirement
  • put in place the safety actions identified in the EPAS by EASA, as relevant to the Member States
  • put in place the safety actions identified at National level based on the collected safety data by ENAC
  • fulfil the safety risk mitigation actions identified at both national and european level.

The document is available here below in pdf format: