(Applications must be sent to ENAC OPE “Conversion of UK licences” protocollo@pec.enac.gov.it)

Following the withdrawal of the UK from the EU on December 31, 2020, ATPL licences issued by the CAA-UK may be converted under the following conditions:



1. ATP theoretical knowledge examinations are credited provided that, on 31/12/2020, the IR on the FCL licence issued by the CAA-UK was valid or expired not later than 7 years from the last proficiency check;

2. New aero-medical examination for the issuance of class 1 certificates at an Italian AeMC in order to obtain an Italian SOLI (the aero-medical examination can also be taken at an AeMC in another EASA Member State provided that it is specified that the SOLI is Italy);

3. All ratings and certificates in CAA-UK licences are considered Third Country and accepted in accordance with Reg. EU 2020/723;

4. Language Proficiency Requirement is accepted without any further verification.

5. Skill Test for the issue of ATPL



1. ATP theoretical knowledge examinations are credited provided that, on 31/12/2020, the IR or Type Rating on the FCL licence issued by the CAA UK was valid or expired not later than 7 years from the last proficiency check;

2. New aero-medical examination for the issuance of class 1 certificates at an Italian AeMC in order to obtain an Italian SOLI (the aero-medical examination can also be taken at an AeMC in another EASA Member State provided that it is specified that the SOLI is Italy);

3. All ratings and certificates in CAA-UK licences are considered Third Country and accepted in accordance with Reg. EU 2020/723;

4. Language Proficiency Requirement is accepted without any further verification.

5. Skill Test for the issue of ATPL

For any further information, please write to: personale.volo@enac.gov.it