The attached list shows organisations which have been issued with a Part M Subpart G approval by ENAC, where that approval is currently suspended.
An approval is suspended when non-compliance are identified with even only one of applicable requirements of (EC) Regulation 2042/2003 Annex I (Part M) as revised, which lowers the safety standard and hazards seriously the flight safety. An approval may be suspended as well upon a request from the approval holder in order to deal with organisational or staff changes.
Organisations whose approval has been suspended may not use the privileges of that approval. These may include the extension or issue of Airworthiness Review Certificates. If you believe that the airworthiness of an aircraft may be affected by a suspension please contact the closest Enac Airport Division or Enac Operations Divisions competent for that area.
This list shall be updated usually every two-weeks, except for the possibility for ENAC for reasons of contingent nature to provide a comprehensive update in a longer time interval.
Approvals that have been revoked are not included in this list.